This is a place where I write down my opinions about various things. I understand that some of my opinions may be rather straight forward. I however can stand criticism, and you are wellcome to comment.

Who? A European male.

Why? For the sake of getting my own thoughts straight.

What? Personal opinions and possibly even a point.

When? Mainly after work or otherwise tired.

Profession: Unimportant

Hobbies: History and… Well, mainly history.

13 Responses to “About”

  1. Liberty of Thinking Says:

    Thanks for passing by my blog. I do find yours very interesting. Will be following…

  2. rautakyy Says:

    You are most wellcome. I found your poetry also very moving. I recommend it to all of my readers.

  3. makagutu Says:

    hey rautakyy, I saw you at my blog, just came by to say hello!

    1. rautakyy Says:

      Hello to you to!

  4. holly Says:

    I rather wish you had a subscribe by email option available. I don’t always remember to check my blog reader…(of those one choses to ‘follow’)

  5. holly Says:


    1. rautakyy Says:

      You are the second person to ask me to do this, so I suppose I had better do somehting about it.

  6. holly Says:

    One can find the option in your settings. I really enjoy reading my favorites by email (especially the ones i need to ponder a while before daring to respond 😀 )

  7. Glad to have found your blog – looking forward to exploring your world. I love history too – especially ancient history 🙂

    1. rautakyy Says:

      You are most wellcome. 🙂

  8. siriusbizinus Says:

    I wanted to stop by and give you a hearty hello as well. Sadly IB’s blog won’t let me reply to your comment on there. I won’t do it here, but there is a post of yours I’m about to get to reading.

    History’s a great topic of interest. I look forward to reading your posts!

  9. […] who would have known that our friend Rautakyy has been lying all these years that he comes from Finland, a place that doesn’t even […]

  10. I tried to leave a comment on your 2nd amendment article, but it can’t post. Just FYI.

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